est. 2007

Whitewater Township, Ohio, United States
My wife Julie and I purchased our property in June 2007. Our home sits on seven acres of hillside overlooking the Whitewater River valley in western Hamilton County, Ohio roughly 20 miles west of Cincinnati. The property is well wooded and boasts a pond of about 1/5th acre. Our professional careers dictate we live in Hamilton County, which makes a country setting a bit difficult to find in a county of almost 1 million people. We share the property with our son Casey (3 1/2), and a herd of domesticated animals including 2 dogs, 3 cats, 3 parrots, and 4 Blue Swedish ducks, 10 Buff Orpington chickens, not to mention my oldest hobby aquarium fish.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Been Awhile

Definately been awhile since I posted anything. My blog hasn't exactly been setting the world on fire with hits, which in all likelyhood is why I haven't been doing it. I have a lot going on right now, but that's just an excuse. So here is what I've been doing for the last couple of months.

Most importantly the chickens have grown into respectable Buff Orpingtons and are getting big. I ordered 10, requesting one rooster and nine pullets. I read somewhere that the success rate of sexing chicks is roughly 90%. Well it holds true, turns out I have two roosters and 8 pullets. One of the pullets met an early demise so now I only have seven pullets and two roosters. They are doing well and I am anxiously awaiting my first eggs which should arrive sometime around the end of this month with any luck.

The garden is going well. Tomato plants are setting fruit, but it should still be a couple of weeks before any are ripe enough for picking. Green beans have completely covered their poles and have blooms, but as of yet no pods. Onions and garlic were a disappointment, but this is the first time I've grown them so I didn't expect much. The corn has been a bit of a trial this year. My first planting didn't germinate well at all. I don't know if it was a problem with the seed, but of the approximately 180-200 seeds I planted only about 10 came up. I replanted after buying new seed of the same type and all have germinated, and are about two feet tall, so I'm a bit behind. Pickling cucumbers have exceeded my expectations. In the last five days i have produced 9 quarts of pickles. Four bread and butter and five kosher dill. I use a package mix because it so much easier than doing it from scratch. My Ball canner was a solid purchase last year. I use Mrs. Wages pickling mixes and am quite happy with it. It's much easier.

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